If you want to be up to speed in today’s market, you really need to be hungry for education, and make sure you have a learning program in place that works for you.
I purposefuly push myself to always be studying a new MOOC or reading a new book. This page shows what I’m focused on learning now. You can also see what I’m planning to learn in the future here.
- Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster, by Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz: This book merges best practices of Lean Startup and Analytics to give a framework to have clarity on what needs to be measured NOW in your product or startup.
- The Profesional Ruby on Rails Developer Course: I want to review this course from start to finish as there are some digital products (and this includes the site you are visiting!). I feel the same as I said in the past: If you want to learn RoR from the bottom up, this is the course for you, and prof it is that I’m doing it again!
- Evaluating Designs with Users(UX504x): This course focuses on user testing as a way to gain insights into where a design works well and where it needs work.